Comprehensive Business Advisor, LLC

You know what the books told you, but do you wonder what top financial services professionals have that you don't?
The Street Smart Advantage.
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Basics Plus

Street Smart Basics Plus is designed for the producer who has intermediate to expert level knowledge in one or more of estate planning, business planning, qualified plans or nonqualified plans, who seeks more comprehensive knowledge of the advanced markets and how to fit the right solution to the client's situation.
Topics covered will include:

  • Provisions you should know and understand in your client's legal documents
  • Unique and creative language for trusts, buy-sell agreements and deferred compensation plan
  • An overview of charitable giving techniques and how life insurance can enhance the benefits for your client
  • Understanding how various life insurance products fit in advanced planning and which products deliver maximum value for the client

In addition to workshops, the faculty will use a series of real life case studies to illustrate a variety of planning techniques in typical and out-of-the-norm situations.  The faculty will be available to consult on attendees' live cases. 

: The cost for this course is $495. Register for both Street Smart and Street Smart Advantage for $1,495!

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