Comprehensive Business Advisor, LLC

You know what the books told you, but do you wonder what top financial services professionals have that you don't?
The Street Smart Advantage.
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Attendee Testimonials


Here is what past CBAS attendees have shared regarding the school:

"By far the best course I’ve taken on small business exit planning. This is not a class on how to sell more life insurance – instead it’s a class on how to solve small business owner issues and have them buy more life insurance from you."

Joseph S. Lucey, RFC
President, Secured Retirement Advisors, LLC

"I recently participated in the Comprehensive Business Advisors School in Bloomington, MN. In my 30 years of experience in the business it was very unique to have access to a broad base of different planners in one room. The materials used were 1st class and very impactful. I would highly recommend this class to a Senior Advisor or a new person in the business. This experience reminded me of the ‘old days’ when life insurance companies used to offer business classes to producers. Great Job!"

Jim Waggoner
National Executive Benefit Specialist, VisionPoint

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